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» About

Just a simple man that uses websites to talk to others whatever the language is. But I will not fully answer any question at all.

My name is Orion, I call myself "Silent" for a reason. 1 I don't like my name and 2 I think it's better that way to not say my name but of course I did for this website. This was made so I can at least interact with people and I'm trying to find the best websites to use as a blog. this blog was made by someone named Christine on CreateBlog(I think??) if you want a layout like this. I am not sure what to do on this website so I might change it a bit or just forget about it.

» More information

I use websites like 4chan or twiter just to make fun of incels for choosing such an embarrassing site to talk but pretty much 4chan is way more weirder. It was I think made by a man from america and people barely listen to the rules which I never knew it had. from how people talked about 4chan I thought there was 0 rules but no they do and they're pretty valid. But nobody has listened to them for sure, nobody has ever liked rules. It's hard to use websites sometimes so I just use fun websites to talk to people, I am trying out those myspace websites since it seems fun.
The things I know about myspace websites is that spacehey is pretty much known for having gore, nsfw, or tcc raids a lot so probably wouldn't use that site too much.
I don't have an official work email yet but I will try to make one(maybe or maybe not a google email maybe hotmail or something.) so when I add my accounts on here you would just have to text me things because I'm trying to make my own content at least. I am not sure about it though, I don't really mind talking to people unless they are weird. I don't want little kids or grown ass adults texting me of course, I am only 13 and shouldn't be talking to grown ass adults nor little children. I rather just only talk to people I know personally if that happened often. I'm alright with talking to people but if it starts turning into someones weird fantasy I am going to cut contact with them. You aren't smart if you act like that. I'm only here to just speak my mind or at least just talk for fun so I can enjoy how my life is. It might take some days to feel better but you never know what makes a flower pretty(I made that up I didn't know any saying that would fit)